Gone Rambling

Go a little off topic

Do Humans Dream of Electric [Bleeps]?


Matt Taibbi writes the must read series of the year; Your fallible, malleable memory; Sex robots–The horror; Goggins

1. The Single Most Important Thing You Will Read All Year
2. Why You Shouldn’t Even Trust Yourself
3. And Since You Damn Sure Don’t Trust Google
4. Worst. Sci-Fi. Ever.
5. #Can’tHurtMe
6 .Quick Hitters

Lead Photo Credit: Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

1. It’s Not Just Me Saying It!

If you read the previous ramble, this comes perfectly timed. Rolling Stone politics and economics reporter Matt Taibbi has a new series being published online. He already has one complete with economics lessons from a successful drug dealer. That one is interesting in its own right, sure–especially if you are considering a career change to retail of recreational urban pharmaceuticals.  But that’s not the most important thing you will read this year:  Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another.

Although you can find it in the archives here, along with his other recent works: https://taibbi.substack.com/

You can go either way, paying for the book itself or the monthly fee at substack for the archived subscriber content.  But you should do it, and for a couple reasons. First, those whom I sent some excerpts to early have reviewed it positively.  In fact, the book is most enjoyed by the kind of person interested in the truth, and how to best evaluate the enormous amount of noise directed at us from the media.  If you are also concerned about information silos and how (and why) others are getting misinformed, you might be interested in this series too.  Many pretty sharp people have been blown away by Matt’s work here. Second, either way you go (hardcopy or subscription to the archives on substack) is affordable. So you really don’t have an excuse.

Lastly, you’re going to read why the news is the way the news is, and why NO news source is 100% reliable.  Matt is a better writer than me, AND he’s a career journalist.  He knows how the sausage is made.  Where the bodies are buried.  And more other appropriate analogies.  So many more appropriate analogies. Instead of me futzing around to this conclusion over some Rambles, Matt will tell you from the inside why no one is clean, and why you are WAY, WAY better off reading less news than you do–and should be more forgiving of the other side, no matter what side is “other” to you.  You will learn how the business model, the only way legacy media can pay its bills, is inevitably driving MSNBC, CNN, even NPR to be like Fox News. Follow those links and find out why they are ALL like professional wrestling now!  You will also learn how Trump, a WWE veteran (really), capitalized on these inexorable changes in the media to win the election—and get billions in free coverage from platforms across the spectrum.  It’s a strategy–and is why he tweets the way he does.  It’s all there.  Matt builds the case very logically.

Again, it is the most important thing you will read this year.

And I do not say that lightly.  You should scroll back up, click and read.
As a bonus, want to know which way the market and social forces are trending a particular news source? Here’s a handy link: 

2. And It’s Not Just Those Puppy Kickers From [Pick The News Source Singing the Song of the OTHER Tribe] You Can’t Trust—Your Brain Creates Its OWN Fake News. All the Time!

Like the song says, I will remember you.  But will I remember you accurately? 

Turns out that’s less likely than you might think.  Your memory sucks.  No, it really sucks.  Probably worse than you think.  But the worst part is because it’s your memory, you will remember something the way you remember it.  Which means you will be absolutely convinced of its truth. After all, you remember it–you were there!

Even if you are remembering something inaccurately. Which happens. A lot.

This leads to a fascinating phenomenon where multiple people can observe the same event, but not have the same memory of it.  Each “remembers” different, even contradictory details. However, they will be absolutely sure of their personal version.  One of them (or even both of them) has to be inaccurate.  But here’s the thing–neither one is actually lying about their memory.  They are truthfully representing what they remember. Even if one, or both of them, are remembering details wrong.

I’ve actually seen this happen.  For example, there are a couple stories from when my Mom and Uncle were living in Germany when my grandfather was stationed there in the 60s that they remember in totally different–and totally irreconcilable—ways.  One, or the other, or both, has factual inaccuracies in their memory of those events. Even though they were both there, young (at the time), and telling the truth about what they remember.

How many times do you think that has gotten you in trouble with friends, spouse, family etc.?  Both you and your friend/spouse/brother/sister honestly and accurately conveyed your personal memory of an event, but the two personal memories were different or contradictory—and one or both was simply wrong?

Human nature is to assume, at times, the other person is just flat out lying about their memory, since they must remember it the way you do.  After all, it is your clear memory of how it happened. That MUST be the objective truth!

Avoid the temptation to walk that path. Remind yourself they could be (and very likely are without a compelling reason to lie) telling the truth about what they remembered. It’s just their memory is wrong about what really transpired.

That’s a very useful reminder to set for yourself.

Especially, and I am going to break this gently, your memory of the event is just as likely to be the wrong one!

Want to prove that to yourself? The following link is well worth your ~20 minute investment:

The video has a quiz too.  When I took the quiz, I got the right guy (and the other quiz questions)–but was only ~80% sure of my ID in the case. That 80% confidence was ONLY because they showed the incident twice.  Had it been real world, with one shot at remembering the incident, I’m not sure I would have tagged the right guy.  My takeaway from the video?  If ANYTHING is worth remembering, you need to -write down- or otherwise record your memories as fast as you possibly can after the event.  Memory is that fleeting.

And, as you’ll learn from the video, malleable. That may be the most disturbing part.

You’ll also learn, like I did, to be a little more understanding and patient if someone’s memory doesn’t match mine and they stick to their guns.  They might not be lying to me—one of us may just be remembering wrong.  I know that little pause has helped avoid arguments for me lately.  You might find it useful too.

3. The Internet, However, ALWAYS Remembers.

Worse, along with your address, health records, credit records, bank accounts, private messages, e-mails and search history, the internet has definitely, DEFINITELY, got your nudes.  Even if you have never actually taken any, the internet still has your nudes.  And they’re archived.  On like 100 different servers, just in case one happens to go down or get erased.

The internet is selling them all.  To whomever asks, as long they’re not late and not light with the check.

Want just one article’s worth along those lines? Sure. Here you go:  https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/literally-just-a-big-list-of-facebooks-2018-scandals

But you knew that about Facebook, right? After all, we have all heard Zuckerberg’s (in)famous “They trust me… dumbfucks” quote by now.

In other tech news you can use, Google is following you even if you think they’re not.  Turns out dropping “Don’t be evil” as their official motto may be less marketing, more shift in actual moral values.  Here’s how you can keep them from tracking your phone by GPS (which they are totally doing), or geolocating where you took that nude selfie via GPS (which they are probably ALSO doing):

I also strongly recommend the Duck Duck Go search engine:  https://duckduckgo.com/  You can set it as your default.  If you add it to Firefox, it will also help eliminate trackers as you encounter them across the web.  I find Duck Duck Go as good or better than Google for most searches.  As far as anyone has discovered, and I am aware, Duck Duck Go really does NOT track you or your searching.

4. Worst Westworld




It’s a robot

And yet, like in Westworld or Ex Machina, the era of human-like robots being used for sex is upon us.

Which I just don’t understand.  It’s a non-living object of various kinds of rubber, plastic and circuitry.  Who looks at a lump of rubber and circuits and is like “yeah, I am definitely having sex with that?”

<recalls the time the operating room sent the still vibrating “rectal obstruction” in a specimen bucket down to the path lab>
<yes that actually happened>
<that, too, was rubber and circuits if you want to be technical>

Okay.  Maybe there is a market for sex robots out there, even if I am not the target demographic.  In fact, according to some reports, there is a shockingly large market for these robots out there:


Twenty-four percent of dudes would consider it.  Twenty-four percent.  How?  Why

Dude.  Duuuuuude.


It’s creepy robot sex.

And that’s not even the most creepy possibilities with these things.  Which get extra creepy, extra fast.

Did you know there are already companies forming to make replicas of deceased loved ones?  So you can go on boning the robot facsimile of your deceased spouse?

Well, technically–your presumably deceased spouse.  No one said they had to be deceased for you to order one of these.  I guess the next time one party isn’t up to live action they can just be like “Not tonight honey. Just take out the robot me and go to town.  I’m still binge watching Netflix.”

That may not sound so bad. Until you imagine walking into the bedroom to see someone having sex with Robot You.

The entire concept of sex robots reminds me of this quote:
“Threesomes are like communism.  Always look great on paper, never works in real life.  Someone always gets jealous and just causes more relationship problems than it’s worth”

And oh God…  the threesome possibilities!  I never should have thought of that quote!  WHY?  WHY DID I JUST DO THAT TO MYSELF?!?!?!?

Imagine the first time you are asked to participate in a threesome with Robot You.  Because that HAS to be coming for someone now that this Pandora’s Box is open. But hey, why stop with three?  Some poor soul is going to walk into a room of 20+ of naked Robot Thems–and then get asked to join the gang bang…

I should have been a psychiatrist.  I would be rich in this brave new world.

They already have celebrity knock offs coming.  Porn stars already sell custom sex toys of their genitals—why not the whole thing?  How long do you think until companies are offering custom dolls of the “one who got away”?  Just send in a picture of them–even a copy/paste of their profile picture you Facebook stalked–and <poof> Robot Sex Ex.

How many Robot Yous could be out there one day, in basements of creepers, participating in horribly unspeakable things?  Not only that, but you know Sex Robots are definitely winding up in internet porn, and if they’ve shelled out for a really realistic Robot You, you know the time is coming when someone is going to have to sue about a porn video on the internet of Robot Them and prove it’s not Actual Them.

But it won’t just stop with identity issues.  Think about the relationship damage.  I don’t know where.  I don’t know when.  But hear me, for now do I prophesy–someone, somewhere, sometime, will get just a little too attached to banging their creepy robot, and that will be grounds for the divorce.

If androids dream of electric sheep, do humans get jealous of robotic lovers?

He has seen things you people will never believe. After just four years with humanity, he decided he had seen enough and it was “time to die.” And he wasn’t even the pleasure model in this movie…

Yeah.  One of those dolls is definitely getting murdered in a jealous rage.  Or it’s getting married after the break up.  If you can marry a hologram (true story:  https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/nepbgx/japanese-man-married-hatsune-miku-hologram-anime), why NOT the sex doll?  I never saw Her, but I can imagine a very different reboot for Joaquin Phoenix sometime soon.

It also may not just be humans murdering robots who are threatening them in the bedroom.  The robots might be able to return the favor:


How’s this for a novel pitch? In a love triangle between a hacked sex robot, the human using it for sex, and the other human moved to a jealous rage, how far will man and machine go to win the affection of their desire?  A robot is programmed to murder the significant other of the human using it for sex by another human who is in love with our robot banger, but wants their rival out of the way.  BUT, through a quirk of the exploit that gave the hacker access, the robot has secretly fallen in love with the human using it for sex.  Now, the robot must somehow decide between killing its human rival, fulfilling the hacker’s demands (and perhaps the demands of its own electric heart), but devastating the human it has come to love—or sacrifice itself for love of its human before it can follow the hacker’s command to kill its romantic rival.

Just a couple points on the book and movie rights.  All I’m asking.

Lastly, if you thought advertising, pop culture, and pornography were causing objectification of human beings and leading us to see one another solely, significantly, or mostly as things for our sexual gratification—hey, hold the sex robot’s beer.  Because once you have a customizable, fully interactive robot that you buy, and own, and use for your sexual gratification, all bets are off.  Even if you, or those you love, are not buying, renting or otherwise using their own sex robots, the damage that these are likely to do to human interactions for everyone involved will be significant.  How many will abandon the hard work of human relationships, and compromise, for some thing that looks like the other person, but makes no demands and just does what it’s told?  How many will gaze into that Narcissus’ pond, and never know love?  How many will never know that joy can, and often does, come from self-sacrifice for the good of another?

I hate to be a pessimist, but my guess is more than already do, will.  When they do, that is one large step to turn away from others, glorify their self and their own desires, and wrap themselves in their own little world.  AI won’t need some Terminator-movie Skynet to wipe out humanity.  We’ll make the easy choice, following our own self-gratification, and robots that let us be our own little godlings.

Maybe this is how the world ends.  Not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with the world’s saddest orgasm as a robot feigns interest.

5. Speaking Of Making The Hard Choice Because It’s Better and Because It’s Hard…

One more book recommendation, this time an audiobook.  I can count the number of audiobooks I have “read” over the last several years on one hand.  But, David Goggins and his biographer have loaded this one up with commentary that expands upon what is the in the book. This is the “director’s cut”, and you should get the Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds audiobook.

Because holy shit David Goggins.  I’m not going to spoil it for you, other than to say that demographically, when he says “[he] should have been a statistic”–he’s right.  The entire book is how to turn the challenges in your life into fuel, and that all humans are capable of extraordinary things.  You just have to teach yourself how to get your mind right.

You can benefit from Goggins’ drive and learning how to get some of it yourself.  No doubt.

That said, I do wonder if Goggins’ drive is in some ways his own classic Greek tragedy.  Goggins’ greatest attribute is his singular focus and push to overcome all odds to see how much he can really do, no matter the circumstances.  That’s inspirational, and shows how that kind of focus can be a powerful, positive force. But moderation in all things, right?  What is mentioned only in passing is the sacrifices David made for his own goals as a result of that singular focus. He’s been through two wives one (one of them twice)—without much comment on that in his otherwise candid book. I suspect the same drive on his goals left little time or energy for shared goals. Further, without going into too much detail, his father was, well, not a very good one. About the worst you can imagine–and undeniably selfish. His father focused very hard on his own goals, to the exclusion of his family, and that profoundly affected his son Goggins’ life. His father’s extreme selfishness shows how that kind of singular focus that Goggins has can be twisted to sin.

There is a balance between self-criticism and self-support.  Focus on your goals, focus hard and persevere in them. But you must be wise. Know your goal. Make sure it is the right one. The same focus that took one Goggins through ultramarathons and an embodiment of human determination carried another man on a path no one should walk. Drove him all the way to the end of that dark path in fact. Don’t go full Goggins at a goal until you know how that goal will really affect you and all those around you.

The greatest personal glory is not always found in the achievement that glorifies just you.

Alright, I am both summarizing too much and going tangential on a book you may not have even read yet!  Listen/read for yourself. 

Especially if you want to kick start a New Year’s Resolution.

6. Quick Hitters

—Beyond Fake News to the risk of Fake Everything:  https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/how-much-of-the-internet-is-fake.html

—Lack of exercise is worse for you than smoking.  You’ve got to move it, move it:  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2707428

You’re welcome for that song, or Madagascar (depending on your dependents situation) being in your head now.

—The link is an op-ed.  If you want to skip the political spin, the long story short is the FDA has been on a tear approving generics and biosimilars.  This market force has compelled price cuts across big pharma with $26 billion saved versus the previous list prices through 2018:

—The strange but true story of how the McDonald’s “Monopoly” contest got rigged:  https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-an-ex-cop-rigged-mcdonalds-monopoly-game-and-stole-millions

In closing:
That’s a big “nope” from me.  But very impressed by all those who say “yep–I’m doing this” out there.

Talk to you later.

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