Gone Rambling

Go a little off topic

The Ramble Returns

Rambles /

In this Ramble: A video challenge, seatbelts for aliens, corona/nipah virus, how AI ends the world, travels and travails of the dying brain Alright, first things first. Before you do anything else, watch this short ~14 second clip. There is a reason I am asking you to do this, so if you haven’t clicked and …

Proof of the Pudding: Eating With the PREDICT 2 “Zoe” App

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Does personalized nutrition really exist? Can you reduce the guesswork to get to a diet that is right for you? A -sustainable-, flexible diet that leaves you feeling and looking better? Is Zoe, the app from the PREDICT 2 study (previous posts here and here), a solution? As a participant in their clinical study, I …

Of Mites and Men

Rambles /

In this Ramble: What peace from mind requires, the science of aging, a CBD oil primer, the poor damn bees, and a trial run with personalized nutrition

Our Best

Rambles /

In this Ramble: The best in ourselves and others, living until you don’t, and how decapitated worms may unlock memory–for better or worse