Gone Rambling

Go a little off topic

Coronavirus and Ebola Update: 30 Jan 2020

Coronavirus Archive /

Coronavirus: The Good:—So far, there has NOT been an explosion commensurate with the high contagiousness estimates being thrown around last weekend in the informative, non-China cases.—The vast majority of cases around the world are from travelers picked up by screening measures who are from, or recently traveled to, Wuhan and surrounding area China.—As of 29 …

Coronavirus and Ebola Update: 23 Jan 2020

Coronavirus Archive /

The order in the subject line is deliberate. First, mea culpa.  I fucked up.  I thought, given China’s speed in identifying the novel coronavirus, this meant they were taking rapid and appropriate steps and being forthcoming about an issue of possibly international health significance.  The lesson, as always, is never, ever, ever trust anything official …