Gone Rambling

Go a little off topic

About Gone Rambling

Gone Rambling really began in my twenties during medical school, mostly covering health news that friends could use, and how doctors -really- get forged. The true cost can be higher than the student loans. As I have gotten older, the Ramble has changed with me. I blame my kids for that. They change you a lot, and the biggest I noticed was a new urgency to figure out how to live best and wisely in a changing world.

So this is the search for -that- wisdom. That search is long and winding, and I ramble where it takes me. You are welcome along, whether you’re an OG from that initial mailing list or just now getting here.


Reached at: Paladin at gonerambling.com (checked maybe once a week?–if I’m slow to reply, it’s me, not you)

Paladin is a physician (and blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) currently doing full time biomarker research for a pharmaceutical company located in the American Midwest.

Important disclaimer: Nothing on here should be taken as advice. Not medical advice, not investment advice, not legal advice, not even relationship advice. Do your own research. Talk to your relevant professional for any of those questions. I’m a dude writing on the internet. Got a question–actually ask someone of the appropriate profession.

Please read our privacy policy by clicking here. It contains a lot of language the website host suggested about stuff I don’t know how to do anyways and covers our email subscription list (i.e how to unsubscribe at any time–but honestly, I’m not even sure the thing is active. Email me direct above if it seems to be having issues).