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Ebola Update: 16 Jan 2020

Coronavirus Archive

Only 8 new cases this week, all to known transmission chains, but a couple in new locations that have not seen Ebola in months.  So, basically, more of the same.  Contact tracing is a little under 90%.  A few more security incidents at funerals. 

3288 confirmed cases with 2,236 deaths.

So on it rolls…

In new Chinese coronavirus news, quick correction–the virus is in Hong Kong only by virtue of patients and samples transferred there.  The outbreak is centered in Wuhan province, towards the middle of the country, well to the north of Hong Kong.  The vast majority of the patients were all at an open air, live animal farmer’s or seafood market (reports conflict), where the virus is believed to have jumped species into humans.  That said, reports this week that one patient was NOT at the market and may have caught it from her husband who was.  If that’s the case, it shows the virus can move human to human.  However, current evidence suggest it sucks at that, at best.  Two patients with the new virus have made it internationally.  One patient from Wuhan who had been to the market popped up in Japan.  He has already been treated and released.  The other showed up in Thailand.  That lady is in quarantine, but doing well.  Again, at the moment, risk appears pretty minimal, but we’ll keep an eye on it.

Your chances of catching Ebola, or new Chinese coronavirus, are approximately equivalent to the surprise you should have at CNN doing this: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/january-democratic-debate-2020-cnn-bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-938365/

…if you had read this before: https://www.amazon.com/Hate-Inc-Todays-Despise-Another/dp/1949017257

Which you should, if you haven’t already–especially before the election. 

And I know, I know…  “now do reporting on Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang…” I hear you say…
