Gone Rambling

Go a little off topic

Coronavirus (and Ebola) Updates Archive

Note on the Coronavirus Archive: Ever since the West Africa outbreak of Ebola, I’ve maintained an update on Ebola (and other emerging health threats) by e-mail for some interested friends and family. As SARS-CoV-2 emerged in late 2019/2020, my regular Ebola update, already tracking the ongoing outbreak of Ebola in the DRC at that time, started covering this new virus. Given the historic turn SARS-CoV-2 took, I have moved all of those emails here to the blog, for posterity’s sake. They are entered by date and subject of that particular email update. Like everything on this blog, the opinions expressed herein are my own. During the majority of the pandemic, I was employed by a company that developed SARS-CoV-2 therapies, and while no longer in that role or with that company, I have redacted the name of that employer, as this work is separate (being an email to friends and family using my personal email). None of my employers have reviewed any of these posts.

The Rambles